5 Signs Your Furnace Needs Professional Attention

5 Signs Your Furnace Needs Professional Attention

As the colder months approach, it’s crucial to ensure your home’s heating system is in top shape. At Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., we often encounter homeowners who overlook subtle signs that their furnace needs professional attention. Here are five indicators that it’s time to call in the experts:

1. Strange Noises

If you hear banging, rattling, or whistling sounds coming from your furnace, it’s a clear sign that something isn’t right. These noises could indicate loose parts, airflow problems, or even a failing motor.

2. Increased Energy Bills

A sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage often points to an inefficient furnace. As systems age, they tend to work harder to produce the same amount of heat, consuming more energy in the process.

3. Uneven Heating

Are some rooms in your home consistently colder than others? This could be a sign of ductwork issues or a furnace that’s struggling to distribute heat evenly throughout your house.

4. Frequent Cycling

If your furnace is turning on and off more frequently than usual, it may be short-cycling. This can be caused by various issues, including a faulty thermostat or an overheating system.

5. Yellow Pilot Light

A healthy furnace should have a blue pilot light. If you notice it’s burning yellow, it could indicate the presence of carbon monoxide, which is a serious safety hazard requiring immediate attention.

Don’t ignore these warning signs. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can extend the life of your furnace and ensure your home stays warm and comfortable throughout the winter. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, contact Lansing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for professional HVAC services in Lansing, IL, Schererville, IN, and St John, IN.